Here's How Self Storage Can Help You Achieve Your New Year's Resolutions | Morningstar Storage

The brand new year is almost here, and it seems almost poetic that this “fresh start” comes so quickly after the hectic holiday season. After all, what better way to try to get our lives in order and ready for whatever the next twelve months bring than to fill our homes with an excess of holiday cheer…and new things?

The new year is a time of reflection, where many of us decide to embark on a journey of self-improvement. Whether you’ve decided that this year is the one where you adopt a healthier lifestyle, pursue that new hobby, or decide to finally tackle that home renovation project you’ve been putting off, the key to success you’ll find often lies in organization and decluttering. 

Today, we’re discovering how self-storage can help you to thrive in this next year, and push on towards these resolutions even beyond 2024!

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Start with a Clean Slate

One of the most common resolutions people put in place somehow involves decluttering our living spaces. Over the years, we accumulate so much stuff that may not necessarily align with our current lives. 

First, go through your home and find things that no longer serve you. Here are a few fun tricks to help decide what stays versus what goes:

  • Try the 90/90 rule: Have you used the item in the last ninety days — or will you use it in the next ninety? If not, it’s time to get rid of it. 
  • Try the 20/20 rule: Get rid of anything you can replace for less than $20, in under 20 minutes.
  • Practice the one-in-one-out rule: Every time you purchase something new, the same amount of things in your home head out for donation (or the trash!).

For things that you just can’t part with but have nowhere to store, there is another option: self-storage. 

Self-storage is a practical solution that provides a secure and accessible space where we can store items we don’t need every single day. By freeing up that physical space in your home, you create a cleaner, more inspiring space that will encourage you to take on these new goals and aspirations.

Get Organized

Organizing your home or office space is usually a resolution that goes hand-in-hand with the decluttering aspect. After all, getting rid of things is only half the battle — the other half is being able to find what you’re looking for when you’re looking for it! 

Self-storage units are the perfect solution, acting as an extension of your home and allowing you to store seasonal items, excess furniture, or baby items you think you might need again at some point. With these extra things neatly stored and readily accessible, you can create a more organized and efficient living space in your home. This is definitely an essential part to keeping a resolution or two!

Make Space for New Activities

Many New Year’s resolutions revolve around adopting new hobbies or reigniting old passions. Whether you’re picking up the paintbrush again or trying your hand at the piano, you’re going to need the right equipment to do the job — and somewhere to do it!

A self-storage unit can serve as your personal hobby haven, providing a secure space for sporting gear, art supplies, or other equipment. By offering easy access to your tools of inspiration, you’re more likely to stay committed to your newfound pursuits instead of leaving them around to collect dust.

Make Time for that Home Renovation Project 

Home improvement resolutions often rise to the top of our wish lists for the New Year, but undertaking a renovation project — regardless of size — requires quite a bit of space for both the work itself and keeping your things safe and secure. 

Using a self-storage facility as a temporary home for your personal items and larger furniture while your house is under demo ensures they’ll be safe and sound — and undamaged! This gives you the space you need to get things done. 

No matter if your home improvement project is set to take a few weeks or months, self-storage is a great way to stay organized and keep all your belongings together while you check one thing off your resolution list!

Be Mindful with Future Purchases

Now that you’ve done such a remarkable job in decluttering and organizing, it’s important to take what you’ve learned and apply it to future purchase decisions, too. Be smart — it’s easy to fall back into old patterns quickly. Remember how fulfilling it was to operate in a clean, organized space — and how much work it took to get there in the first place!

As you embark on your journey of self-improvement in the coming year, consider the role that self-storage will play in helping you to achieve these resolutions. From decluttering and organizing your living space in order to pursuing new hobbies and creating a stress-free space, self-storage is a versatile tool that can empower you to create some real change in your life. 

Unlock the potential of a clutter-free and organized environment, and watch your New Year’s resolutions go from lofty aspirations into successful accomplishments.

Morningstar Storage is Here to Help You Succeed

Let our storage units be your belongings’ home away from home this new year!

Morningstar Storage is proud to provide a variety of storage solutions of different shapes and sizes that can seamlessly fit your needs. From helping you get things set up with packing supplies and boxes to finding the perfect unit to fit your needs, Morningstar Storage has the entire storage process covered for you. 

Find the nearest Morningstar Storage facility to you and see how this added storage space might just be the best gift you can give yourself in the new year!

Ready to Get Started?

Our Morningstar managers are ready to help you with your storage needs. Find the location nearest you!

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I pay? Can I pay online?

    We have several ways that you can pay, and they are all FEE FREE! Online, by phone, in- person, or auto-pay. We strongly suggest using the ACH Autopay method. It safely and automatically transfers your payment directly to us for an always on time payment from your checking account on the first of every month. If you wish to pay online, you will need to create an account with the original email you used to reserve your unit, as well as your unit number.
  • Do you prorate in and out?

    Absolutely! We do not want you to have to pay for any days in the month that you’re not storing with us! For instance, if you sign your lease on the 11th of the month, your first payment is only for the 11th through the end of the month. On your move-out, we only ask that you give us a 10 day notice and that you vacate no later than the 15th. If you abide by those two easy rules, we will refund you for the entire second half of the month!
  • Do I have to stay a certain amount of time?

    At Morningstar you are never locked in to a long term lease. Stay as long or as little as your needs apply. We offer month to month leases with prorating in and out.
  • Do I need Insurance?

    If it’s worth storing then it must be worth protecting! We offer low-cost coverage for most of life’s mishaps for as little as 40 cents a day. So, even in the unlikely event that you will ever have a claim, it’s comforting to know that the coverage that we can offer protects your belongings in transit on the way to our facility, and there is never a deductible.
  • Do you require a deposit to hold a unit?

    We do not require a deposit to hold a unit for you.

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