A Spring Cleaning Checklist to Start Fresh in Your Storage Unit | Morningstar Storage

As the weather starts to turn, and warmer days arrive, it can be tempting to start cleaning up and organizing all the different areas of your life. Typically, spring cleaning means digging into long-forgotten closets and tackling those overdue projects.

But, just like every other facet of your life, it’s equally important to keep your storage unit in order so you can easily find items while also guaranteeing that they are being stored in the best way possible. 

Yes, many storage facilities provide temperature-controlled units that ensure your things stay dry and temperate regardless of the time of year, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have a responsibility to keep things tidy, too! Regardless of the amenities a self-storage facility may offer, you will still need to keep your unit clean and organized to know that your belongings and items are in the best shape possible. 

Lucky for you, we’ve created an easy-to-follow checklist that will get your storage space in tip-top shape in no time!

pile of blankets

Step One: Let’s Take a Full Inventory

First, take a deep breath. Yes, tasks like this one tend to be overwhelming before you start, which is why we’re going to devise a systematic approach to tackle the job piece by piece. 

Let’s set a timeline for completing the full project. Can you dedicate a few hours or a few days, or will this project be spread across the span of a month? Depending on what your timeline looks like, you can divide each portion of the cleaning and organizing to fit within that schedule so you don’t need to do everything at once!

Now, it’s time to take inventory. Begin categorizing like-items together, and find ways to consolidate what you can right off the bat.  Create a digital list of your furniture items on your phone as you run through this sorting process, so you can break them down into manageable sections. Remember, this inventory list will be invaluable once the entire unit has been properly cleaned and organized, because you’ll be able to refer to it in the future when you’re unsure of whether you have a certain item, etc. 

Step Two: Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

If the task feels too daunting to tackle solo, there’s no shame in enlisting the help of a good friend — especially one with a spacious vehicle for hauling away excess items!

→ Morningstar Storage Pro Tip: Did you know that those who rent self-storage units at Morningstar Storage can borrow our moving truck, free of charge? Check out all the helpful amenities we offer our guests. 

Plus, involving friends and family in this spring cleaning process will also foster a spirit of motivation and full accountability, ensuring project completion within your set timeframe. Put on some music, roll up your sleeves, and tackle the job together, with celebrations awaiting upon completion!

Step Three: Time to Declutter and Downsize

No one likes to get rid of things, but sometimes it can feel like a breath of fresh air to free up some space in your home or storage unit. 

Create four distinct piles: to keep, to donate, to throw away, and to sell.

It’s always easiest to get started by removing any obvious trash that’s lying around in order to create a little bit of breathing space. Then, methodically sort through each section of your storage unit, all the while assigning items to their respective piles. 

Once that’s done, relocate the “keep” pile to the freed-up area without worrying about organizing it just yet. Continue to focus on removing non-essential items from the unit, either for disposal or temporary storage elsewhere.

Step Four: Cleanliness is a Must

Another tip for keeping the panic at bay while working through this spring cleaning process is to try to keep the floors clear at all times. Try to shift boxes and bulky furniture out of the way and to the perimeter of the unit to eliminate any tripping hazards.

As each area gets cleared, take a broom and sweep the floor before putting furniture, totes, or other items back into the spot, so you can guarantee things are clean from top to bottom, one section at a time. Remember: a clean unit ensures that all of your belongings will remain well-preserved in storage, month after month!

Step Five: Organize and Relabel

Now that you’ve gotten rid of the trash and swept any dirt or debris off the floors, it’s time to start reorganizing your unit properly. Since you already have your handy inventory list available, you should be able to easily identify if there are any other storage materials you need to add. If you’re looking for more boxes or totes to securely store items, try to opt for clear bins because you’ll be able to see what is inside them without needing to open and rummage through them to find out. 

Otherwise, you’ll want to clearly label all boxes on both the top and sides so you can easily figure out what’s being stored where. 

Group similar items and designate specific zones based on room or area, item type, and frequency of use. Ensure larger items, like furniture, are wiped down and stored appropriately.

Consider sketching a simple map of the unit for reference to add to your inventory list to help you locate all of your items with ease.

It’s really that simple. By following these steps, you can seamlessly reclaim order in your storage unit, making what once felt like an unmanageable task possible, all to ensure easy access to your things whenever you need them! This, paired with peace of mind, is one of the many perks of using a self-storage space. 

→ Morningstar Storage Pro Tip: Want to do your spring cleaning the green way this year? Check out this guide we put together for a little inspiration. 

Let Morningstar Storage Help Keep You Clean and Organized 

With numerous locations spread all across the States, Morningstar Storage’s dedicated team is ready to address any questions you might have about optimizing your self-storage space. 

From climate-controlled storage units to easily-accessible storage spaces with same floor or elevator-friendly access, to free rental moving trucks, 24/7 unit access, and an experienced team always ready to lend a hand, we’re always here to help you make the best decision about where and how to best store your stuff.

Ready to Get Started?

Our Morningstar managers are ready to help you with your storage needs. Find the location nearest you!

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I pay? Can I pay online?

    We have several ways that you can pay, and they are all FEE FREE! Online, by phone, in- person, or auto-pay. We strongly suggest using the ACH Autopay method. It safely and automatically transfers your payment directly to us for an always on time payment from your checking account on the first of every month. If you wish to pay online, you will need to create an account with the original email you used to reserve your unit, as well as your unit number.
  • Do you prorate in and out?

    Absolutely! We do not want you to have to pay for any days in the month that you’re not storing with us! For instance, if you sign your lease on the 11th of the month, your first payment is only for the 11th through the end of the month. On your move-out, we only ask that you give us a 10 day notice and that you vacate no later than the 15th. If you abide by those two easy rules, we will refund you for the entire second half of the month!
  • Do I have to stay a certain amount of time?

    At Morningstar you are never locked in to a long term lease. Stay as long or as little as your needs apply. We offer month to month leases with prorating in and out.
  • Do I need Insurance?

    If it’s worth storing then it must be worth protecting! We offer low-cost coverage for most of life’s mishaps for as little as 40 cents a day. So, even in the unlikely event that you will ever have a claim, it’s comforting to know that the coverage that we can offer protects your belongings in transit on the way to our facility, and there is never a deductible.
  • Do you require a deposit to hold a unit?

    We do not require a deposit to hold a unit for you.

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