When it comes to storing your bulkier gear, finding dry and damp-free areas is the name of the game! The worst thing you can do for your outdoor equipment is to have it kept in a humid spot, where moisture can build up and cause mold and mildew to grow. That’s why many adventure enthusiasts opt to keep their out-of-season gear safely stored in a temperature and humidity-controlled self-storage for a longer period of time.
Here are a few ideas of things you can easily store in a self-storage unit and grab before heading out on your next big excursion.

Camping Gear
Camping gear is essential if you’re someone who enjoys spending a night out of your bed and under the stars. But when it’s not stored properly, this expensive equipment has been known to deteriorate over time. That’s why a climate-controlled self-storage unit is the perfect solution.
After your tent and other camping gear has spent some time being exposed to the elements, it’s crucial to completely air things out before rolling and packing it all away. Trapping any extra moisture in there as you pack away your tent, sleeping bag, or other outdoor gear will encourage mold to grow on the fabric over time. That’s why it’s so important to clean and store things properly.
Here are some tips for proper storage techniques when it comes to prepping and storing your outdoor tent:
- First, clean all areas of fabric with soap and water to get rid of any stains or odors.
- Hang your gear out to dry but keep it out of direct sun (since heat can sometimes damage materials) – be sure to lay it out over a flat area and wait for it to be 100% dry.
- Once it’s done drying, roll up your tent in a loose way – no need to completely compress it back into its original bag (just use that for travel purposes).
- Instead, use a pillowcase or other breathable fabric bag along with the tent poles.
With the help of a climate-controlled unit, your camping gear will remain dry, clean, and ready to use for your next adventure!
Outdoor Equipment
Did you know that you can store outdoor furniture and equipment in a storage unit? This frees up lots of garage and shed space, and is especially helpful for apartment living where storage options are limited. This includes bulkier items like grills, golf clubs, bikes, and even big items, like trampolines!
But what does the preparation process look like to store all these different types of items? Here are some helpful hints:
- Start your grill at a high temperature for about ten or so minutes. This will burn off any residual food or grease, and make the clean-up process much more manageable.
- Once the grill has cooled some, clean the grates carefully and get rid of all residue. When it has completely cooled, use soap and water to wipe down the rest of the interior and exterior.
- Coat the grates with high-heat oil to help prevent rust from creeping in.
- For charcoal grills, empty and wash the ashtray.
- Let the entire grill dry completely before storing.
- Propane and gas tanks must be disconnected and should not be stored inside with the rest of the grill.
- If possible, invest in a grill cover to keep dirt and dust away from the grill while it’s being stored.
Golf Clubs
- Go through your bag to make sure there is not leftover trash or extra items that don’t need to go into storage.
- Wipe down each golf club and the bag.
- Make sure both your clubs and your bag are dry to avoid mold and mildew issues as well as potential rusting when you retrieve them in the spring.
- High levels of humidity can lead to rust, so look for a climate-controlled self-storage unit to protect your clubs against the elements.
- Use a rain cover over the top of the bag, and place it in an out-of-the-way area so it doesn’t get knocked over as things go in and out of your unit.
- Do a routine maintenance check of your bike and handle any issues you uncover, such as low tire pressure, loose brake lines, or hard brake pads.
- Wipe down the frame, rims, handlebars, and seat to remove any leftover dirt and grime.
- Clean the chain and apply a lubricant
- If possible, use a bike stand or flip the bike upside down to sit on its handlebars and seat in order to keep the tires off the ground while it sits unused for an extended period of time — loss of moisture from the rubber of the tires can cause dry rot.
Snowsports Equipment
Ski & Snowboard Gear
If you need your boots, bindings, and boards to fit properly next season, the way you store them is going to matter greatly.
- Remove the liners from your boots, and clean the inside and outside of the shell with a damp cloth to get rid of any dirt.
- Let them air dry for a full day and make sure they are completely dry before putting everything back together and buckling or lacing the boots closed — failing to do so could mean the boots will take a different shape while they’re in storage.
- Clean your ski or snowboard completely, wiping away all salt, dirt and grime.
- Put a fresh coat of wax on your board or skis to protect the edges from rusting while in storage.
- Store all gear in a dry, damp-free area, standing upright or on their sides. Keep them free of your equipment bag while in long-term storage.
→ Morningstar Storage Pro Tip: Not enough room in your closet for both your summer and winter clothes? A storage unit is a great place to store those seasonal pieces you won’t need over the next few months! Read more.
Watersports Equipment
Don’t wait until the fish are biting to get your fishing tackle ready for the next season. Start things off the right way, but cleaning and organizing items before they head to storage.
Fishing Equipment
- Go through your fishing gear and reorganize as best you can. Untangle lines (and invest in a spool box to keep them knot-free!), throw out old tackle, and wipe down everything so it’s clean.
- Store small, loose items in an air-tight bin.
- Keep fishing poles upright, and consider fashioning a PVC pipe holder stand so they remain upright and aren’t bending by leaning against a wall.
Boat Storage
- Indoor storage — away from the direct sun and damp weather — is going to be the best option for your kayak or canoe during the off-season.
- Make sure the vessel is clean and dry before it goes into storage.
- If possible use a rack to keep your boat off the ground in order to protect the hull.
- Avoid tying it down tightly or not distributing the weight evenly, which can create pressure points and warp the shape of the boat.
Looking to store something bigger than a kayak or canoe, and want easy access to the water year-round? In addition to our storage facilities, Morningstar also operates five premier marinas across the Southeast. If you are interested in storing your boat at one of our marinas in a wet or dry slip, visit our website to learn more.
Let Morningstar Storage Prep Your Next Adventure
Whatever it is that you need to store, pick a climate-controlled storage facility with the features you need and the team you can count on. We offer storage in over 80 locations and will help you make the best decision about where and how to store your stuff. To get started, visit a Morningstar Storage near you!